Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dentist: The sequel

Whatever you do, when the receptionist suggests seeing a different one to the one who has tended your pearly whites all these years, just say no. At first it seemed fine, a sweet older lady, probably loved by her grandchildren and brilliant at crosswords. Until, she rammed a cotton bud up into the still bleeding void left by my sorely missed wisdom tooth. And she did this, not in a tender way, but like an embittered chimney sweep dealing with a stubborn chimney. Or Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors with a blue rinse and a Mecca bingo card. Fucking nightmare. Can I swear on this thing? I guess so eh. Anyway kids, brush your teeth.

In Korea related news, the travel agent called to book our flights. But I missed the call, so nothing to report there. Signing the contract tomorrow we think, so things will start hotting up soon. Me, Lynne and Northy are thinking about a joint going away night out a week on Saturday so hopefully everyone can make it.


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