New Lodger, New Flat

Not content with giving a herd of cockroaches free reign of my apartment, Mother Nature has taken it upon herself to invite one more interloper along for shits and giggles.
This is Boris The Spider.
He doesn't actually live in the apartment, just in the corridor outside. You can't really tell from these crap photos, but he's a complete beast, a super-arachnid, and he has constructed the biggest web of all time. It's the Trump Towers of silk-based dwellings. At last count he has successfully ensnared at least 20 hapless airborne nasties for future feasting.
Worryingly, as the size and scope of this Superweb expands, it grows dangerously close to head-level. It's quite obvious that one dark night my forehead will trigger this trap and Boris will be upon me, all yellow legs and chomping jaws.

Speaking of apartments, the boss has told us we will probably have to move, as these ones are costing him too much. He assures us the new place is fantastic, with 3 bedrooms, and very modern, and he seems a man of his word so far. We're looking forward to it actually, as, even though we love these apartments, it'll be nice to have a proper living area for watching films and hosting carry-outs. It might actually be just across from our beloved park, in the apartments pictured below, so we'll still have the track, badminton, and basketball on our doorstep. Which is a good thing, as it's still around 28 degrees this week, with bright blue skies.
And, even more fantastically, we are on holiday all week! It's the major Korean holiday Chuseok, and we received some genius gifts from the boss man. I was presented with a "Delicious Ham Gift Set", which is literally 5 blocks of flesh and some mustard. And Lynne is delighted with her toiletries gift set, including EIGHT TUBES OF TOOTHPASTE. Superb.

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