Friday, February 17, 2006

A good idea at the time....

I was just getting all my documents ready for the DHL people to pick up, and had some concerns over my passport photo. Due to my UK passport needing renewed, I'm jetting off as a Canadian, meaning I have to flash this photo whenever necessary between here and Ilsan.

Surely, as a kindergarten/primary teacher, you are required to be warm, approachable, and trustworthy. I don't know if these qualities are well conveyed in the above picture. For a start, what twat voluntarily has a mohican? Hopefully this picture doesn't get circulated in advance to the throng of protective parents expected to hand their precious 5 year olds over into my care!

I don't think I actually mentioned that we have definitely got a job, and the travel agent has even been in touch regarding flights. The DHL people finally turned up just now, so all our documents should arrive in Korea in 2 working days, ready for Visa application. It doesn't seem real yet, but once the plane ticket arrives in the post it sould all come thudding home!


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