All Gifts Welcome
I'm just posting my address here, so I can quickly check it when I need to! It might take a while to memorize.
Zip Code : 158-070
KnC Hyunjae Language school, 1015-17, Gum-wang Building,
Sinjeong-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul,S.Korea.
Of course I jest with the post title, but if you insist on sending me gifts and luxury items, make sure you put my name on it, or who knows where it will end up. I don't want to leave work and see the elderly Korean janitor chomping on my Double Decker. Damn, that sounds a bit rude.
Hi Chris,
I googled "KnC Hyunjae Language school" and your blog came up - i see that youre teaching there :)
I just got an offer from them and im trying to do some research on the school
I'd really appreciate anything you could tell me about working there, what the director is like, if there is any corruption or anything dodgy going on? It sounds like a good school, in a nice area, and im very tempted to sign up, but id like to find out a bit more.
my email address is danb1983 @ - Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, my name is Elisa Flores and I was wondering if you know a student named Euttuhm Andrew Kim...I am his best friend and I am looking foward to sending him a Christmas gift...problem is that I dont know what language school he goes to..and if Im even allowed to send him a gift through parcel mail...all I know is that the school is in seoul and its on the east sidr of the river..what river..I cant say because I dont know and he left America on 11/04/2007 and his classes end I believe in January....his classes are from 10 am to about 12-1 pm and he lives on campus...if you do know anything please dont tell him ...i have been trying to weasel the school name out of him but he wont budge...i want it to be a big suprise....if you could email me as soon as possible to ...i would greatly appriciate it...
hey...this is strange but I am in the same position as dan who has been offered a position at KNC Hyunjae Language school. Would you mind letting me know too? Just what it is like, how you find the school and its owners and managers, the hours and the area. Only if you do not mind though! It would be awesome to have some info before deciding. I am at :) Thanks a lot.
hmm that's strange, I've been offered a job there too! seems like they are hiring a lot of new people...
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