Tuesday, February 27, 2007


See what I did there? Possibly the worst pun in the history of the internet.

With great sadness, I temporarily bid farewell to the "Land Of Morning Calm", and embarked on a ridiculous trip from Seoul to Toronto, via London. Not the best route to take, but it was out of my hands.

Foolishly, the night before this trip was to commence, Northy and I went out for many pitchers of beer and a final songfest in the noraebang. My last few flights were turned into hellish nightmares by hangovers, and I swore it would never happen again. Predictably, I woke up feeling like a pig had shat in my head.

The 12 hour flight from Seoul to Heathrow was uneventful and pleasant enough, but the hangover turned it into a test of endurance. This was made more challenging by watching Jon Heder further destroy those hilarious memories of Napolean Dynamite in a pile of shite called School For Scoundrels. He is clearly as funny as a brick in the face. And Billy Bob Thornton with his diluted version of his Bad Santa character can also hang his head in shame. After that, I couldn't bring myself to watch Step Up, or Employee Of The Month. I would have stabbed my eyes out with my chopsticks.

Getting from Heathrow to Gatwick was easy, although the one and a half hour bus ride was a ridiculous 19 pounds. There's no pound sign on this Canadian computer, how crap. Buses in Korea are so cheap, the longest possible distance not coming to much more than a tenner, and that's for the luxurious "Excellent" buses I have championed for so long!

The Holiday Inn I had reserved was actually pretty plush, and a welcome relief. Managed to do my back in, stupidly taking the stairs with all of my luggage trying to be fit. Idiot. Celebrated the long day with room service. Ever since watching Eddie Murphy order it for the cops outside in Beverly Hills Cop, I've been fascinated with ordering a decent feast from room service, and until now, had never really had the opportunity to indulge. In the film, the food looks great, and Judge Rheinhold looked pretty impressed. That thought stayed with me for about 20 years, how bizarre. Anyway, I ordered the Chili Con Carne and the Greek Salad Pitta, both main meals, and an 18 pound bottle of wine. It was class, but for some reason the fecking Oscars didn't appear on any channels.

When I woke up at 8am, I realised I had fallen asleep before drinking the extortionate wine. With all concept of time being fairly unimportant at this stage of the travelling, I polished the wine off for breakfast, so as not to waste all that money. It was a good start to the day.

This theme continued in Gatwick Airport, as I found myself at the Jack Daniels promotional stand. Having just had a bottle of said beverage confiscated by security, I consoled myself with several free nips and the entertaining cockney banter or the guy manning the stand.

Next up, I had my first pint of Stella in a whole year with lunch. Wow, what a difference from the Korean filth we've drank all year. Having only ever successfully completed one sudoku puzzle in my life, I excitedly purchased Carol Vorderman's Handheld Sudoku game, only to find out I needed a screwdriver to open the back. This meant that the last 2 hours in Gatwick were spent half cut, asking every one I could find for some tools. Still haven't cracked that bastard open. Fuckin stupid Vorderman.

To keep the fun going I accepted any free red wine that came my way on the plane, and indulged in a couple of Molson Canadians. Canadian beer is clearly inferior to European beer, but still miles better than Korean. A few more crap films later (although, shockingly, for the first part of Man Of The Year, Robin Williams threatened to be funny), I arrived in Canada, where the snow was falling thick and fast. Another 2 hour bus ride and I was at my Mum's, absolutely knackered. And that's that for now!


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