School Xmas Party
Here are some pictures and videos for the Xmas party on the 22nd. All the kids were kitted out in elf costumes, and we had taught them carols to sing all week. Also, a certain fat, jolly, bearded fellow dropped by to give the kids presents. That's right, it was me. And I dressed up as Santa to give it a festive twist.

With all the excitement of the costumes, it was hard to keep them sitting still for a picture. Bobby class are clearly relaxed about their imminent performance in front of all the parents. Little prima-donnas that they are. Here they are belting out "Jingle Bell Rock" with the confidence of a young ABBA. It's a bit of a long one, so you might get tempted to skip. But it may be like seeing a young Beatles back at the Cavern Club, so don't be too hasty.

Next up we have young Sammy class and their interesting interpretation of "We Wish You A Merry Xmas". Resident comedian and occasional bully Alex is stage right. Anyone who thinks bullying and comedy cannot be linked is crazy. Nelson Muntz, Biff "Hello McFly!" Tannen, and the ones in Napolean Dynamite and Donnie Darko spring to mind. Bullying victims will no doubt disagree. Anyway, here they are in action.
Due to them getting lumbered with a crap song called "Felisz Navidad" or something, Cindy Class won't have their performance featured. I have no idea why they learned a song which has parts in Spanish, but I'd guess, like myself, you've never heard of it, and have no burning desire to hear it now. Instead, here's a video of the girls enjoying their costumes, and Daniel and Ryan stuck in longjohns waiting for us to get them dressed. Lazy buggers!
Look Santa's here! I was quite nervous really, pretending to be Santa to 6/7 year olds carries a fair bit of responsibility! I'd say about 60% knew it was me, 20% weren't sure, 10% believed it, and 10% don't really register anything that's going on anyway.

The festive period has, of course, also seen a few boozing sessions in Seoul. Here are some pictures of some drunken snowball hilarity in Hongdae. I'll need to get the actual Christmas Day pictures posted soon. We made a fairly decent stab at a traditional dinner, complete with homemade crackers (Korea is THE place to find crap to stuff in crackers), followed by an enlighteningly amusing pub crawl up "Homo Hill" in Itaewon (Less infamous fruity cousin of nearby "Hooker Hill") with some random Irish guy.
Also conquered another mountain, and managed to screw my timing up and have to feel my way all the way back through a forest in the pitch black, alone. Great fun though!

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