Blog On!
I'm gonna start writing this again.
I just gave up with this didn't I? Well, as of today the blog will be resurrected and given overdue attention.
Recently, we had the pleasure of entertaining friends and family in the form of Chambers and Steven.
It was a particularly sunny day on Sunday, so despite nursing the trauma of the previous two late nights, Lynne and I went on an expedition in our surrounding area. Our goals were as follows.... 1) Locate the alleged Mokdong Rodeo Drive....2) Locate the nearby Cash' N Carry type place, Costco..... 3) Investigate the Mokdong Stadium complex to try and find out if there is a local football, baseball or hockey team to support and booze at before nights out. Also to check whether the ice rink supplied skates for people with mutant feet like me. You know what they say about guys with big feet eh? Well, if it's an ice rink, it's usually.... "Fuck off yeti", but on this rare occasion, it appears I may be in luck.
Imagine my surprise, when at our recent weekly teachers meeting, I was told to submit an essay for inclusion in this months school newsletter to the parents. I didn't even know we had a newsletter. Plus, I could sense a collective sense of relief in the room, as many long serving teachers had never had to write an essay for thousands of parents to study and critique. I weighed up a number of topics to discuss, and whittled it down to a shortlist of.....
"On a fairly frequent basis, I am asked by a variety of different people, what exactly led to me leaving my home to seek employment on the other side of our planet. Some people find this a terrifying prospect, while others view it a natural and agreeable act. In this short essay, I will address some of these issues, and highlight feelings that are undoubtedly shared by many of my peers. This is not an account of the many reasons why I like living in
The decision to live and work in a foreign land is certainly never made lightly. Such relocation usually marks a point in your life of vast significance and boundless possibility. There are numerous reasons why you might desire a change of such magnitude. Personally, despite its own merits, I had become bored of living in my native country, which no longer provided me with sufficient stimulation or inspiration. As the days blended seamlessly, subsequently the passing months also began to merge into one indistinguishable, vacuous whole. Despite a strong network of loving friends and family, I had begun to feel restless and unfulfilled, and desperately craved a lifestyle hitherto unknown to me.
After much deliberation, I concluded that the most attractive solution would be to immerse myself in a foreign culture, stripping away certain familiarities and home comforts, and placing myself in a position so markedly different from my own that I would be forced to learn and adapt in order to carve out a happy existence. In doing so, I imagined that I would reinvigorate myself both mentally and physically, and tap into once forgotten veins of creativity, such as my ambition to write a movie screenplay, and possibly film a short movie.
The opportunity to teach English in
Although I still have no completed screenplay sitting on a
Living and working in a foreign country can initiate a reawakening in a person, increase their knowledge and happiness, and provide them with the most unforgettable memories. With this sustained effect, I look forward to another year of continued exploration, productivity, and enlightenment."